The first Editor’s choice for this week is an event: EU Green Week 2016!
And what an event!

It is an annual week of round tables and conferences organised every year in order to examine collectively the European Environmental Policy. Throughout the past years they targeted the topics “Our health our wealth”, “Circular Economy” and “Cleaner air for all”. But this year the micro-theme will be “Investing for a Greener Future”. In particular, starting from Monday, the five days will tackle different aspects of the issue, in particular and in order: Investing for greener cities, Investing in our countryside, Investments that make it happen, Investing in our oceans, Investing in future generations.
Thus, from the 30th May till the 3rd June here will be events in mainly Brussels, but also Ljubljana, Malta and Vienna.
What a shame not to be there, right?
Actually not!
In order to make the event more embracing and therefore more European, webinars and online live chats will be held.
Therefore, save the dates:
- 31/05, 10:00-11:00 Online Twitter chat on how to access green funding investments
- 31/05, 14:30-15:30 Online Roundtable debate on how to ensure sustainable food, GLOBE.EU
- 02/06 14:00-15:30 Online Webinar on funding for BlueGreen Growth
- 03/06 11:00- 12:00 Online Twitter chat on green skillsSee you on GreenWeekLive !