Good to know!

It is getting harder and harder these days happening to read and hear good news.
This is the reason why SteamGreen decided to tell you a positive and green story.
Most of all because, near to most of us, it takes place in the beautiful country called Italy.

A Romagna Story


On a summer day  back in 1961, Giovanni della Cuna announced to his family in vacation in Marina di Ravenna, that he quitted his job for good. And he wanted to start his own activity of producing detergents.
He started with artisanal bleach, on order by clients. His wife, Dina went mad.
Luckily, afterwards she could have laughed about that. The  business was successful, indeed.
So that, with the years  it became high time for a big step: mastering the large retail.
The name MADEL was registered while lots and plants were bought ( among them a Coca Cola’s dismissed one).
Then the story became history.
With its outstanding quality, Madel conquered the southern region of Italy, where the market was still dominated by wholesalers and outdoor markets.
Then, with the new millennium and most of all with a market strategy, from 2000 to 2009 they got to double their revenues, until they registered 60.000.000 Euros in turnover.

 The  Green Turning Point

And that is how Winni’s was born. Winni’s is a bunch of products dedicated for housecleaning. They are actually very popular and located in most of the stores around the peninsula: they are known for being cheap, therefore being accessible. A feature which is not very common for ecological or organic items.
In fact, Winni’s CSR is pretty much focused on economic, social and environmental sustainability, as they put it very much clear on their website.
In particular, the goods branded with Winni’s need to be:
–  the ingredients need to be natural in origin and easily biodegradable
– hypoallergenic
–  with respect to the competitors, holding a better or at least equal  price- quality ratio.

32.000 squared meters of solar panels
32.000 squared meters of solar panels

In addition to such requirements they state that the energy for the production stems from renewable sources.


And it is not over

Recently the Italian brand  embraced interestingly the personal care market segmentation.
Some examples:

  • Shampoo, 250 ml – 3,49€
  • Intimate Wash, 250 ml – 3,49€

The products, still sticking just to the basics, are certified to be VEGAN OK, ICEA, and SKINECO.
Buono a sapersi!

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