“Being updated on your sector may be more significant than a 5% higher average mark”

We continue the interview with Professor Chalvatzis PART 1: https://steamgreen.unibo.it/2017/10/09/changes-happening-rapidly-regulators-not-managing-catch/ PART 2: https://steamgreen.unibo.it/2017/10/13/nobody-tells-people-plan-produce-renewable-energy-30-years/ PART 3: https://steamgreen.unibo.it/2017/10/23/found-waiting-almost-one-year-someone-hired-decide-project-go-forward-not/ Let’s switch the focus to RESD students for a second. You’ve talked about job opportunities in the energy market, what can you tell us about that? What about the importance of interdisciplinarity? Obviously there are many job markets, so […]