About us

SteamGreen is a digital platform founded and managed by students of the Resource Economics and Sustainable Development (RESD) master program at the University of Bologna.

With a focus on environmental economics, we aim to explore pressing environmental issues and analyze policy and financial instruments for sustainable development.  


We firmly believe that through the power of ideas, dialogue, and collective action, we can forge a path towards a greener, more sustainable future.


Our Mission

At SteamGreen, our vision is firmly rooted in the belief that a sustainable future lies in the hands of a well-informed and empowered community. We envision a world in which individuals make informed and thoughtful decisions that will preserve and safeguard our environment for future generations

SteamGreen’s mission is to create a virtual platform that serves as a catalyst for advancement in the field of environmental sustainability.

Through RESD students’ dedicated efforts and the support of the University of Bologna, we seek to be a guiding light on the journey to a greener society.


Join Us

Are you passionate about the environment? Do you believe in the power of knowledge and dialogue to shape a better world? Then, join the ever-growing SteamGreen community!

Our team

Meet our current bloggers

Salvatore Finizio


Salvatore is a second year MSc’s student in resource economics. His interests mainly concern the design of climate policies, climate policy-induced innovation and the geopolitics of the energy transition. 

Marika Moreschi

Marika is a second year MSc’s student in resource economics. Her interests mainly concern circular economy, waste management and sustainable development in urban contexts.