In resource economics we talk quite a lot of renewable resources and their stock size, and to make it more feasible professors introduce to students this topic by the stock of fish in the sea and the trees in forest.
Today I would like to do the same to you and show you this project, that somehow unites the two arguments:
“Farming the Sea: why eating kelp is good for you and for the environment”
This superduper-well made Video about a project that has the potential of a big future shows how kelp farming that is linked with a multi-stage breeding of oysters and fish stock can revolutionize the use of the oceans resources. But the main plant here is kelp, some sort of large seaweeds that grow in so called “underwater forest”. What makes kelp so special is the fact that it is full of nutrients, it soaks up excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the ocean and can be used as vegetable, fertilizer and biofuel.
If you have 5 minutes of time, lean back and enjoy this eyeopening video.