Can the green transition backfire? – The Rebound Effect and other challenges
In the sustainable transition we are always looking for a “win-win” scenario, especially when it comes to resource and energy management. The ultimate aim of sustainable development is to protect the environment while simultaneously achieving economic growth. Such a goal is supposed to be reached through the decoupling of the environmental and economic impacts of […]
Circling Towards Sustainability: the right to repair
The problem of circular economy Eurobarometer – a polling instrument used by the European Commission – revealed that 77% of Europeans feel a personal responsibility to act on climate change. Consumer preferences in buying, using, and throwing away goods have the potential to promote circular economy principles by increasing demand for products aligned with such […]
Greening through schooling – Copenhagen International School
In the last few years climate demonstrations have often adopted the strategy of school strikes. The core message is clear: young people want a sustainable future and they are willing to fight for it. However, school strikes also served as a protest against educational systems all over the world, which are often aloof from reality […]