From Despair to Prosperity on the European Immigration Crisis
From Despair to Prosperity on the European Immigration Crisis: The solution to the detrimental situation focused on economic and social standpoints
No Easy Path to Economic and Political Stability in Africa
From Decolonization to Neocolonialism in Africa Africa is not a country, it is a continent formed by different countries hence different people who respectively have different histories and through their history have accumulated different forms of success and distinct sets of issues. That being said Africa as a whole cannot be examined entirely but rather […]
A Single Currency For Africa
–African Economic & Monetary Union:– Do the Regional Integrated Arrangements of Africa fall under the Optimal Currency Area Compliance Criteria? –Article by Nicholas George Donovan Grazia– The African continent is moving towards unification in economic terms, over a period of decades there have been meetings and arrangements to create the African Union (AU). The African […]
African Colonial Dynamics
The late 1800’s brought about much change on the African continent. Africa as it is known today was shaped by the events that took place in what is known as the Partition of Africa, also known as the Scramble for Africa. In 1833 the British Empire abolished slavery, this lead to a multitude of challenges […]
Is a hybrid Solar PV & W2E Renewable Energy System Feasible for Ghana?
Article and Pictures by Nicholas George Donovan Grazia The volant migration of the Arcadian population in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), in search of a better life in metropolitan megapolis, has culminated in the profuse and irrepressible growth of the urban centers. Due to this monumental expansion of the population in SSA, a major public perturbation has […]