Masdar City: A Carbon-free oasis


Few kilometres from Abu-Dhabi airport in the middle of the desert a new city rises: is Masdar, literally the rising city. Thanks to a conspicuous US$ 22 billion investment, it is the first world’s 100% sustainable city.

Started in the 2006, the city spreads for 6 square kilometres wide and it can host up to 50.000 people, 1500 business, the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology and the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency.

The Masdar City is a plan of energy colossus Masdar that wants to make the city the first prototype of a completely sustainable smart city. Indeed, the city will consume roughly 75% energy less than a “normal” city and it will be totally supplied by solar energy for the 80%, thanks to a 40MW solar plant, and by eolic and composting.

Moreover, only electric cars will be allowed in streets. For the mass transit a Personal Rapid Transit system consisting in electric taxi moving on magnet railways, has been ideated. The biggest news is that the transportation system will is considerably cheaper than a subway: 15 million against 80 millions.



Masdar City is a real utopia of the sustainable concept for new and old cities. It will be a living center to test and improve the urban sustainability worldwide!

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