Day 6th Arenas of Change
Here now is the important thing. We were divided in 12 teams in three different Arenas. The Arenas were University, Business and Politics. These three arenas have a great potential to change the world we live in. It was about how University, Business and Politics can do something so that people are more aware about the sustainability. I was a part of University team. This time around from Solar panel we decided to change our idea and went on to become a Consultancy team called Opti-energy. Our idea was to do analysis in the various universities so that they could become energy efficient. Apparently a university in Austin,Taxes have done something similar and they managed to save 30% of cost of electricity. Our team won among the University ideas. As I have written before all the ideas were brilliant and worth looking into.
Later on we did the Pecha Kucha night. People voluntarily gave presentation on various topics. The concept was simple. 20 Pictures, 20 seconds each. I loved the concept and later on I kind of regretted for not giving a presentation of meat industry.
Day 7th – Challenge day
So finally the challenge day arrived where we needed to ‘Pitch’ out idea. Each team gave brilliant idea within 2 minutes and it was great. It’s kind of fascinating on how people can come up with brilliant ideas on such short notice. Some more ideas included like having a mandatory Sustainable course in the university for all the students or taking away the food which supermarket throw away and make it into a food which can be sold in various Cafe or working together as community in your neighbourhood to be more sustainable. Loved the ideas. I think we all were winners for coming up with these ideas.
Day 8th – Final day
Final day was kind of emotionally heavy since some people were already starting to leave or we all were leaving the next day. The last ceremony included presenting the certificated and people shared their views about the event. We then needed to select one country to host next year’s EuroEnviro and it’s going to be Copenhagen, Denmark. I really can’t wait for it and if you are a part of sustainability or if you wish to be, you really need to attend this event. A MUST ATTEND EVENT.
So in short the event was all about coming up with sustainable ideas and working on it to make it a reality.