This week the Green Column is suggesting to you an appetizing event for the Summer to come.
We know that somebody doesn’t see it coming… but looking at the calendar there is just one week to go for the longest day in the year ( at least for the Northern Emisphere).
The best way to celebrate the most expected season among all, from us of Steamgreen, is not to wait until Ferragosto ( an Italian-styled celebration held the 15th August)- when summer is already over, but starting from now, like many other countries actually do.
Give it a try and take part in the marvellous event we selected for you: “Le Sere FAI d’Estate” – which in English means “the FAI’s Evenings of the Summer”.

Save the Date
On Saturday, the 18th, in five wonderful and historical locations all over Italy, celebrations for the summer solstice will be held starting from the evening. In particular dancing, musical and light entertaining performances will juggle across the visitors, setting the mode for a night not to be forgotten.
So, grab your eco-friendly means of transport and head on to:
– Masino Castle and Park (Caravino, Turin)– it will be a journey across time, stopping in the 18th century. Fairytale is the world.
– Manta Castle (Cuneo), a thousand candle will guide you to a middle aged banquet and another appealing epoch.
– Villa Fogazzaro Roi (Oria Valsolda, Como), taking a leap in the famous “Piccolo Mondo Antico” book by Fogazzaro will reward you with an athmopspheric night with local tastings and samplings.
– The Bishops’ Villa (Luvigliano di Torreglia, Padua) the night will be lively with experimental meetings between jazz and techno music, old and new, ancient and novel.
– Villa Gregoriana Park (Tivoli, Rome) take a waterfall, a game of light, Rome and oriental-jazzish music…do we still have to say more?
But who is FAI?
FAI- is the Italian Fund for the Environment- a non-profit national fund established in 1975 following the British example of the National Trust. Its mission is the one to preserve, promote and watch over the Italian environmental, landscape and art treasuries. Among the goals FAI achieved over these 40+ years:
- More than 61 heritages saved and managed
- 292000 m2 of fields saved
- 14000 m2 of frescos recovered

If you want to support this important and good work you can implement it in lots of ways: one could be taking part in this stunning event!