RESD’s students at EcoMondo

RESD students, from the left: Aurora, Laura, Nicole, Giacomo, Ruggiero, Maria Teresa

On 8th November RESD students participated at ECOMONDO, the annual largest showcase for green and sustainable technology in the Euro-Mediterranean area, taking place in Rimini. The fifth international exhibition focused on the Circular Economy, promoted at European level through the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy. (You may remember our post about Circular Economy


This year the University of Bologna involved some students that had the possibility to present different case studies at the workshop “Circular economy for Small and Medium Enterprises”. The works presented were developed on the basis of the European project CESME that promotes the Circular Economy involving businesses located in the region Emilia-Romagna and the European territory more in general.

The three case studies presented the recent “good-practices” adopted by Hera, ILPA S.p.a. and Mapei S.p.a., in the Circular Economy framework.




Hera is an Italian multi utility operating in 265 cities as energy services supplier; ILPA S.p.a based near Bologna, manufactures and develops sustainable thermoformed plastic and food-farming packages, exporting worldwide; Mapei S.p.a is a worldwide producer of chemical products for buildings, with 7500 employers, in 28 countries.

Some of us had also the opportunity to meet with the management personnel of the business presented, acquiring essential information to presentation held at Ecomondo.




The workshop also saw the interaction by Marino Cavallo from Città metropolitana di Bologna e Enrico Cancila, ERVET and our Degree Programm Director Prof. Elettra Agliardi.




Small and medium enterprises are the most present on the EU territory and the Circular Economy is a great opportunity to innovate the business process, achieving competitiveness. However, there still exists some barriers that make difficult a complete integration of the Circular Economy withn the small and medium businesses.



In conclusion, the works presented by our students it has been welcomed with great enthusiasm and we invite future students to take part in the coming initiative promoted by the University of Bologna.

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