The Roots of our Petroleum Addiction and the Future Possibilities of a World Detached from Oil

Oil is power, and until we move away from this very notion then we will be addicted to oil for an unseeable future and suffer the great consequences that arise from fossil fuel consumption. Dominion over oil means dominion over democracy. We must find a new dependency in order to prosper. What lurks in the shadows? What is our way out?
Wind Hybrid Power System

Few days ago my colleague and a friend Max wrote a piece about Wind to hydrogen possibility. It was an interesting article. It got me thinking about other possibility so in this post, I am going to write some different ways of creating energy and storing through Wind/Solar. Hybrid power describes the combination of a […]
Energiewende Part II – a new eco era
If you liked my article about the Energiewende two weeks ago, than you will definitely enjoy the second part about the energy transition that is going to happen in the next decades. In the first part I introduced you to the argument, and today I would like to sum up a very nice article published on the SPIEGEL […]