What is emission trading and what is it good for? Part 1 of 2
Today I would like to write about an issue that is so wide that I decided to divide it in two parts: Emission Trading. As you might know (or not) there are some instruments that policy makers can use to reduce emissions of pollutant gases, especially impactful greenhouse gas emissions. Tradable emission permits are one […]
What is emissions trading and what is it good for? Part 2 of 2
Instruments that have the power to reduce pollution emissions are one of the topics we study in our course, and looking closer on certain issues it can get sometimes more technical to understand problems better. Emission trading was first developed as an economic theory to internalize damaging externalities like pollution, which means that negative effects on the […]
Audio Engineers made Diesel out of carbon dioxide and water!
Here a quick link to a nice article about good news for the environment that a friend of mine passed me (Thank you Maksim!) http://www.sciencealert.com/audi-have-successfully-made-diesel-fuel-from-air-and-water That’s it!
ThoughtBUBBLE: Planned obsolescence
Something that bothers me a lot ultimately is the huge amount of electronic waste that everyone of us generates. Me for example: in the last 10 years i had eight different mobile phones! Eight! I have to admit that I was not very careful with them and maybe one or two broke, but I’m pretty […]
The World counts – An interesting site about data and statistics
Recently which browsing through internet about the interesting facts and data about the climate change, I encountered this phenomenal site called ‘The World Count’. “The data used on The World Counts comes from a large number of organisations, research institutions, news services etc. Our aim is to use data from the world’s most reputable organisations. […]
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are on the rise at an alarming rate
I read an article few days back and couldn’t stop pondering over it for few hours. Hydrofluorocarbons or known as (HFCs) are already on rise at 54% in UK. Since the beginning of the spring and soon the arrival of the summer, people in UK have already started using the air-conditioners. This gas is replacement […]
RESD’s student heading to Gotenburg, Sweden for a week for Environmental Symposium 2015
The EuroEnviro student symposium was created in 1995 in Born, Germany. Originally known as BiB, Born-in-Born, it was later to be renamed EuroEnviro. The aim was to exchange opinions with other students on environmental sciences and ecopolitical issues. Over the years the focus has expanded from mainly environmental issues to also include social and economic sustainability. […]