Jobs creation and environmental protection: two sides of the same coin

November, 20th: a global relief is felt right after Biden’s victory in Georgia, which officializes his ascent to the White House. The news is accompanied by the willingness of the U.S. to re-join Paris agreement, whose objectives were not ratified by the forty-fifth President, Donald Trump. Considering U.S. as the world’s second-largest emitter of GHGs, […]
Increasing welfare through healthy eating habits (Part 2)

Part 2 – Behavioral Change Technique applied to food decision-making Peter, on the advice of Kate and Hugo, decides to watch a documentary about the body effects of excessive consumption of animal products. Despite initial scepticism, he knows that changing lifestyle requires doing things outside of his own comfort zone. The structure of the documentary […]
Increasing welfare through healthy eating habits

Part one – The effect of loss-aversion in the hesitancy of changing food habits Peter is an 18-year-old boy in his first year of university. From an early age, he has always been used to eating meat five times a week. Peter is very satisfied when he eats it and, for this reason, he continues […]
The new generations demand green investments: how financial institutions adapt?

Starting with some literature: What is a Financial Institution (FI)? A financial institution (FI), according to Investopedia, is a corporation that undertakes financial and monetary transactions such as deposits, loans, investments and currency exchange. All people who live in a developed country have a constant need for the services offered by financial institutions. FI’s embrace […]
Things of the past

I’m sure that in primary school, during history class, pretty much anyone has heard teachers talking about the almost-phantasmagorical world of dinosaurs. Most millennials, who grew up with dinosaur-themed cartoons like The Land Before Time, found themselves confronted with the news that the prehistoric creatures had been extinct for millions of years. But what exactly […]
Will we drink coffee in 2050?

Coffee is one of the most famous plants in the world: it takes 3-4 years before it produces berries, which will then be harvested, cleaned, and roasted. Every day almost 1,6 billion cups of coffee are made, with Finland as the first consumer of coffee in the world (nearly 12 kg/year per capita). Coffee employs […]

Carbon based emissions are now proven to be a harmful by-product to humans and the environment. An excess of CO2 in the atmosphere, in addition to an increase in the average global temperature with catastrophic consequences already experienced today, affects the health of the individual in several ways: blood acidification, lower cognitive performance, muscular tremor […]
The power of algae as biofuel

How Danish researchers use seaweed to turn on a car Being sustainable also means thinking outside the box. This is what the researchers of the Danish group MacroFuels did, by experimenting with alternative methods to fossil fuels to create biofuel. Following extensive research, they focused on ocean resources, particularly microalgae (commonly known as seaweed). Why […]
Dear Earth, sorry if I still don’t love you

The Covid-19, the current pandemic, is forcing millions of people around the world to stay at home. From one day to another streets, beaches and squares became empty. However, a particular phenomenon has emerged: nature has, little by little, begun to breathe: kangaroos on the streets, mountains seen from miles away thanks to a decrease […]
The core value of bees: Promoting individual actions for ecosystem biodiversity

Do you like to enjoy the sweetness of cherries and strawberries or wake up in the morning with the intense aroma of coffee? Thank the bees. 35% of global food production and 76% of the world’s major crops depend on these extraordinary insects. Pollination is also estimated to be worth around $200 billion to ecosystems, as well as […]