Green Transition Conflicts: What we can learn from Sardinia

The author of this article is Melissa Piroddi, MSc student of Resource Economics and Sustainable Development at the University of Bologna. In the Italian region of Sardinia several municipalities launched a popular initiative against wind power speculation in the island – “Pratobello 24”-. As of September, more than 100 000 signatures have been collected from all provinces, exceeding the […]
The energy of the future: renewable energy communities

Since its beginning in February, the tragic war in Ukraine has monopolized the news. And with Russia being one of the world’s largest oil and gas exporters, the energy issue soon became part of the discussion. Especially now that winter season is approaching and especially in Europe, which largely depends on Russian exports, the debate […]
The Roots of our Petroleum Addiction and the Future Possibilities of a World Detached from Oil

Oil is power, and until we move away from this very notion then we will be addicted to oil for an unseeable future and suffer the great consequences that arise from fossil fuel consumption. Dominion over oil means dominion over democracy. We must find a new dependency in order to prosper. What lurks in the shadows? What is our way out?
Is a hybrid Solar PV & W2E Renewable Energy System Feasible for Ghana?

Article and Pictures by Nicholas George Donovan Grazia The volant migration of the Arcadian population in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), in search of a better life in metropolitan megapolis, has culminated in the profuse and irrepressible growth of the urban centers. Due to this monumental expansion of the population in SSA, a major public perturbation has […]
Exotic Renewable Energy Plants: Tidal Energy

Tidal Energy power plants are definitely some kind of an exotic form for energy production. That’s because most tidal power plants are just pilot projects that are only build for research purposes and do not create a very big amount of energy in their lifetime. Tidal energy is one form of hydropower energy that gets […]
IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency

In today’s lecture about renewable energy production, our professor Chalvatzis Konstantinos showed us some very useful sources for data and information on renewable energy stuff that everybody that is into research about RE should know about. One of those is IRENA – the international Renewable Energy Agency. You do may not know about this agency because […]
Biogas, the underrated renewable energy source!

Renewable energy sources are becoming crucial for a sustainable energy supply in the next decades; the only way to reach more independency from fossil fuels is a good mix between all the different possibilities that we have as solar, wind, water, and geothermal power sources. But one source is quite often forgotten: Biogas from Anaerobic […]
Bioenergy provides 38 per cent of jobs in the renewable energy industry

According to a report released by IRENA, there has been an 18 per cent increase from last year in the renewable energy industry, The bioenergy sector accounts for over 2.9 million jobs, including liquid biofuels (1.78 million), biomass power and heat (0.82 million) and biogas (0,38 million). This means that 38 per cent of all […]
Calculate your own ecological footprint!

Have you ever asked yourself how big your own ecological footprint is? Here you get a useful tool CoolClimate Calculator This calculator has been developed by the famous Berkely University from California. The aim of this calculator is to estimate the yearly co2 emissions of your household. In the first step you have to enter some […]
What the heck is an “Energiewende”?

Have you ever heard about Germany’s long term incentive to change their energy systems from non-sustainable energies to sustainable ones? No? Well this is process is called “Energiewende” which means Energy Transition in english, and the reason why I give you the german expression is because Germany is the most notable country when it comes to […]