Green Transition Conflicts: What we can learn from Sardinia

The author of this article is Melissa Piroddi, MSc student of Resource Economics and Sustainable Development at the University of Bologna. In the Italian region of Sardinia several municipalities launched a popular initiative against wind power speculation in the island – “Pratobello 24”-. As of September, more than 100 000 signatures have been collected from all provinces, exceeding the […]

Circling Towards Sustainability: the right to repair

The problem of circular economy Eurobarometer – a polling instrument used by the European Commission – revealed that 77% of Europeans feel a personal responsibility to act on climate change. Consumer preferences in buying, using, and throwing away goods have the potential to promote circular economy principles by increasing demand for products aligned with such […]

Greening through schooling – Copenhagen International School

In the last few years climate demonstrations have often adopted the strategy of school strikes. The core message is clear: young people want a sustainable future and they are willing to fight for it. However, school strikes also served as a protest against educational systems all over the world, which are often aloof from reality […]

The energy of the future: renewable energy communities

Since its beginning in February, the tragic war in Ukraine has monopolized the news. And with Russia being one of the world’s largest oil and gas exporters, the energy issue soon became part of the discussion. Especially now that winter season is approaching and especially in Europe, which largely depends on Russian exports, the debate […]

What will we eat in 2050?

The world population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion in 2050, an increase of 2 billion people with respect to today. Considering that Earth is able to produce a limited amount of resources in a certain period of time, the rapid growth of population is certainly going to pose some challenges in the future. […]

Is a hybrid Solar PV & W2E Renewable Energy System Feasible for Ghana?

Article and Pictures by Nicholas George Donovan Grazia The volant migration of the Arcadian population in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), in search of a better life in metropolitan megapolis, has culminated in the profuse and irrepressible growth of the urban centers. Due to this monumental expansion of the population in SSA, a major public perturbation has […]

The core value of bees: Promoting individual actions for ecosystem biodiversity

Do you like to enjoy the sweetness of cherries and strawberries or wake up in the morning with the intense aroma of coffee? Thank the bees.  35% of global food production and 76% of the world’s major crops depend on these extraordinary insects. Pollination is also estimated to be worth around $200 billion to ecosystems, as well as […]

Old Business Paradigm vs. New Business Paradigm

During the last couple of month we RESD Students had an interesting time while following our course in Green Strategy and Sustainable Innovation. In this course we talked a lot about generic stuff like “What is sustainability for a company?!”, and we were surprised that it is not so easy to answer this question. In […]

Is the Earth full?

If you enjoy TED Talks as much as I do then you will certainly enjoy the following speech by Paul Gilding, a famous author (The Great Disruption) and consultant in the field of sustainability and resources. Although this TED is from 2012 it is still accurate today, when he states that human mankind uses Earths […]

Sustainable Transport – step by step reducing impacts caused by transport

It was never easier then now to reach the most remote places on earth, or to get the most exotic fruits from the furthest South American rainforest, and no end is in sight. In fact, transport will be growing strongly in the upcoming decades; with the progressing globalization and cheaper technologies, the transport of persons […]

Soil is a non-renewable resource!

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO declared 2015 the international year of soils, and if you haven’t heard and thought about why healthy soils are necessary for a healthy life I will tell you now. Way too often we forget about soil as a resource that provides food, feed, ecosystem services, […]

Reduction in consumption of meat might be a good idea!

I know that the post image might tempt people to eat some meat right now. But as I have written few posts before about how the meat industry is kind of more responsible for the pollution around the world. Documentaries like ‘Cowspiracy’ and ‘Food Inc’ are worth watching for some reason. Deforestation is done also […]

What’s in your climate agreement? – Konrad Luders

On December 12th 2015 the governments of 196 nations have finally decided to work together against climate change, a problem known to exist for more than four decades… starting in 2020! But can this be it? Have our governments really just managed to conserve a habitable planet for humans? Or is it too early to […]

The Future of Transportation: The Port of Los Angeles

Right now I am following a very interesting course with the name of transport and regional economics. And the more I think about transportation, the more I realize how important it is to move people and goods from point A to point B. I wont annoy you with all the theoretical models that we use […]

Ever heard of: Naomi klein

In this post of ‘Ever heard of’ I am going to talk about Naomi Klein a Canadian author & filmmaker known for her political analyses. Her latest book ‘This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs Climate Change’ became a bestseller. It sheds some light to the connections between the rapid growth model of the free market economy […]

3D-Underwater framing

In resource economics we talk quite a lot of renewable resources and their stock size, and to make it more feasible professors introduce to students this topic by the stock of fish  in the sea and the trees in forest. Today I would like to do the same to you and show you this project, […]

Steamgreen Testdrive: Toyota Mirai at Ecomondo

Like Pushkar I went to Ecomondo, and there I had the very special opportunity to test drive the new Toyota Mirai, the first hydrogen powered mass produced car EVER! The reason why I am so hyped about this car is because it is a revolutionary step in the mobility sector: Powered with hydrogen it produces […]

World Energy Outlook Report 2015

This September the International Energy Agency published a Special Report on Energy and Climate Change. This December a very important meeting, the COP21, will let come together the most important decision takers in the field of Sustainability. In fact this sustainable innovation forum that will be happening partnership with the UNEP, the United Nation Environment Programme […]

White certificates: What are they and what are they good for?

In our RESD course we hear a lot about environmental policies and how they get applied in the real world. One of them are white certificates. The main aim of this kind of certificates is to lower the energy consumption by installing a market to trade them relatively freely and doing so to achieve a […]

Sustainer Homes

As you may noticed, Pushkar and me we are reporting quite often about pilot projects and plans on how to apply new knowledge on sustainability in the real world. Today I would like to present you another project; the dream of everyone studying and working in the field of sustainability: Sustainer Homes, a house created […]

Wind-to-Hydrogen: A possible solution to store energy?

If you follow our blog than you might know that one of the topics we discuss most is how to create energy in a sustainable way and how we can store that energy. When electricity gets produced it has one big disadvantage: it has to be consumed when it gets produced. It is very difficult […]

Dumpster Diving – Written by Philipp Mitterhofer

I’m Philipp and I study Geography at the University of Copenhagen. In my studies and in my personal life I am very interested in sustainability. What interests me the most is the complexity of the many issues we face today. Food waste is one of these issues where many factors play a role and that […]

Sustainable Design

Recently I was talkin with a friend of mine that studies Industrial Design in one of the most famous Universities in Europe in the field, the UDK in Berlin. And while we were talking he explaned to me a very interesting topic, the so clled sustainable or also environmental design. It is all about being […]

Calculate your own ecological footprint!

Have you ever asked yourself how big your own ecological footprint is? Here you get a useful tool CoolClimate Calculator This calculator has been developed by the famous Berkely University from California. The aim of this calculator is to estimate the yearly co2 emissions of your household. In the first step you have to enter some […]

How to be more Sustainable in your daily routine

I once wrote about to conserve energy. Today I would like to cite few steps that we can take in order to be more sustainable as an individuals. So here we go: 1) Drink more filtered water than from plastic bottle – Recently I have been reading a lot about drinking from tap water or […]

Mountains – so impressive but still vulnerable!

I grew up in the mountains. More specifically in the Dolomites, a quite famous mountain formation in the very north of Italy. And this is also the place where I feel most protected, nowhere else I can feel a bigger sensation of freedom than on the peak of my favorite mountain. Maybe you are from […]

What the heck is an “Energiewende”?

Have you ever heard about Germany’s long term incentive to change their energy systems from non-sustainable energies to sustainable ones? No? Well this is process is called “Energiewende” which means Energy Transition in english, and the reason why I give you the german expression is because Germany is the most notable country when it comes to […]

Actors of Change – EuroEnviro2015 (Part 1)

Day1 So as promised here goes my day to day article about what happened in EuroEnviro, how it was organised and especially we all got together in this symposium. Let me tell you from the beginning that the event was absolute awesome. It was so awesome that it gave a new meaning to awesomeness. EuroEnviro […]

ThoughtBubble: How to be more green…only for woman

A new week, a new ThoughtBubble! This time the Author is our colleague Simona! How to be more green…only for woman. When I started to attend this course I start to become more and more aware about some topics and also wondered how I could be more green in practical aspects. I used to be […]

Sustainability according to

“Lessons from history: why what we say about sustainability matters” That is the title of an interesting article published on last Tuesday, March 10th. It describes in a very interesting way how the terminology of the word sustainability became more and more used in a business context. What do you think about it? Check […]