Green Transition Conflicts: What we can learn from Sardinia

The author of this article is Melissa Piroddi, MSc student of Resource Economics and Sustainable Development at the University of Bologna. In the Italian region of Sardinia several municipalities launched a popular initiative against wind power speculation in the island – “Pratobello 24”-. As of September, more than 100 000 signatures have been collected from all provinces, exceeding the […]
Can the green transition backfire? – The Rebound Effect and other challenges

In the sustainable transition we are always looking for a “win-win” scenario, especially when it comes to resource and energy management. The ultimate aim of sustainable development is to protect the environment while simultaneously achieving economic growth. Such a goal is supposed to be reached through the decoupling of the environmental and economic impacts of […]
Green transition, green jobs: the professions of the future

Each historical period, including ours, is characterized by some relevant events that contribute to changing the state of the world. The recent pandemic, the continuous and incredible technological progress, the threat of climate change. Society goes through these collective experiences and evolves at an incredible speed, as does the job market. New needs and new […]
Who will pay the price of climate change

Extreme heat, drought, wildfires. Unfortunately, summer 2022 has been an eye-opening season for many people. As the effects of global warming become more concrete and severe every day, we might finally see some collective actions taking place. However, it is too late to avoid all the consequences and we already know who is going to […]
Russia and European energy independence: the REPower EU Plan

Since its outbreak on February 24, the conflict between Ukraine and Russia has altered the political, social, and economic balance of the world and, above all, of Europe. At a geopolitical level one of the main hot topics is the energy question. Indeed, Russia is the main exporter of natural gas and crude oil to […]
Don’t Look Up is the movie about climate change that we needed

Since it was released on Netflix last December, Don’t Look Up has been at the top of the platform’s most viewed titles. Adam McKay’s new movie portrays the fictional story of two astronomers and their desperate attempts to warn humanity of a comet’s impending impact with Earth. The calculations have been made many times, the […]
Climate migration might be the next great emergency

Migration is a fact as ancient as human history. The first evidence of migration dates back to tens (if not more than a hundred) of thousands of years ago, when Homo Sapiens started to spread from Africa through Eurasia. In contemporary society migration represents a relevant and sensitive topic, because the magnitude of this phenomenon […]
The Roots of our Petroleum Addiction and the Future Possibilities of a World Detached from Oil

Oil is power, and until we move away from this very notion then we will be addicted to oil for an unseeable future and suffer the great consequences that arise from fossil fuel consumption. Dominion over oil means dominion over democracy. We must find a new dependency in order to prosper. What lurks in the shadows? What is our way out?
Introducing an In-depth Analysis of Decreasing Pollution related to Coronavirus Outbreak in Italy
In the following weeks, as an information network devoted to sustainability, we will try to look at current coronavirus outbreak from an economic perspective, to implement and offer an analysis on good practices that shall be implemented as soon as the direct emergency ends. We want to dedicate our effort to all the victims and […]
Water scarcity in Northern Europe… Do we any issue?

Summer is coming. These days this sounds more like a threat than a promise, as it was actually in winter. so, while you are sweatingly walking through the concrete jungle of your city, you catch yourself thinking “I wish I was in Lapland”… like really? You may change your mind with the following facts. A […]
Extreme weather is due to Climate Change. Really?!

Every once in a while, I meet someone who doesn’t believe in climate change. They say that all the changes are happening since the beginning of the time and will continue to be so it is quite normal for the Earth to be so warm or to be so cold. Well, I always partially agree […]
Reduction in consumption of meat might be a good idea!

I know that the post image might tempt people to eat some meat right now. But as I have written few posts before about how the meat industry is kind of more responsible for the pollution around the world. Documentaries like ‘Cowspiracy’ and ‘Food Inc’ are worth watching for some reason. Deforestation is done also […]
What’s in your climate agreement? – Konrad Luders

On December 12th 2015 the governments of 196 nations have finally decided to work together against climate change, a problem known to exist for more than four decades… starting in 2020! But can this be it? Have our governments really just managed to conserve a habitable planet for humans? Or is it too early to […]
Chasing Ice – Documentary review

Stalking people around the world on Facebook, I stumbled upon a link which talked about some nice documentaries ( I knew stalking was always a great idea). When I opened the linked, one documentary – Chasing Ice was mentioned as one film ‘must be seen’. It seemed like a good idea to see it since […]
Ever heard of: Naomi klein

In this post of ‘Ever heard of’ I am going to talk about Naomi Klein a Canadian author & filmmaker known for her political analyses. Her latest book ‘This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs Climate Change’ became a bestseller. It sheds some light to the connections between the rapid growth model of the free market economy […]
3D-Underwater framing
In resource economics we talk quite a lot of renewable resources and their stock size, and to make it more feasible professors introduce to students this topic by the stock of fish in the sea and the trees in forest. Today I would like to do the same to you and show you this project, […]
India looking forward to bank on Solar power

In India, Solar power has become the catchword for many states in recent times. Internationally, the price of solar power components has been declining at 15% year over year, and states are leveraging this trend. India’s commitments on increasing its non-fossil fuel component of power generation to 40% by 2030 are substantial. Even though coal […]
Paris Summit 2015 – Each country’s pledge

Carbon Brief has been following each country’s pledge towards the Paris 2015 summit. Here on this post you will find more details on how each country pledged in the upcoming summit. While for some countries, the pledges seem a big task however it will be interesting to see if they manage to achieve the target. […]
Consolidating Climate Change within Asset Management

Asset management is a systematic process of deploying, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets cost-effectively. The term is most commonly used in the financial world to describe people and companies that manage investments on behalf of others. This is the definition taken from Wikipedia. It’s very clear. I have nothing against it. However, recently […]
Carbon bubble threat from climate change!

A carbon bubble is the idea that there is a bubble in valuation of companies related to fossil-fuel-based energy production. This is because true costs of carbon dioxide in intensifying global warming are not taken into account in a company’s stock market valuation. Currently the price of fossil fuels companies shares is calculated under the […]
Some ‘Green Startup’ enjoying success!

In order to more sustainable or at least to help us become more sustainable, we need entrepreneurs who are willing to put their dime in startups which focus sustainability or Eco-friendly. Currently the name give to it is Green Startup. It is a tricky startup since I personally feel that it is very new and […]
Mad Max (film) like situation : Water Scarcity!

Some of you might have seen the classic Mel Gibson’s Max Max or you might have seen the latest Tom Hardy’s Max Max: Fury Road. More or less the plot remains the same – Shortage of Water. I am not going to review this film. I am not the great Robert Edgar, however, I would […]
What is fossil fuel divestment?

Divestment serves to de-legitimise the business models of companies that are using investors’ money to search for yet more coal, oil and gas that can’t safely be burned. It is a small but crucial step in the economic transition away from a global economy run on fossil fuels. It is one way of reducing the […]
‘The 11th hour’ Documentary review!

I once wrote a post about the top 10 documentaries on Sustainability. I am going to write a review on one of those documentaries today. The 11th hour The 11th Hour is a 2007 documentary film, created, produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, on the state of the natural environment. Global warming, deforestation, mass species […]
Obama’s new climate change plan – Is it a ‘kitchen sink’ approach?

If you have been reading the latest news, you would have read about Obama’s new Climate Change Plan. What the plan actually means is the Clean Power Plan sets standards to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from 32% from 2005 levels by 2030, which is 9% more than proposed earlier. That’s drastic change in their policy. […]
Current Environmental Problems

Even it is very clear from the image on how we all are getting effected by various environmental problems but let’s have a look together on some of those issues ( I can write long pages on that) but I will keep short and sweet in order for you to understand or at least give […]
Calculate your own ecological footprint!

Have you ever asked yourself how big your own ecological footprint is? Here you get a useful tool CoolClimate Calculator This calculator has been developed by the famous Berkely University from California. The aim of this calculator is to estimate the yearly co2 emissions of your household. In the first step you have to enter some […]
How to be more Sustainable in your daily routine

I once wrote about to conserve energy. Today I would like to cite few steps that we can take in order to be more sustainable as an individuals. So here we go: 1) Drink more filtered water than from plastic bottle – Recently I have been reading a lot about drinking from tap water or […]
What is Fracking? It maybe more harmful that we think it is to be

Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas inside. Water, sand and chemicals are injected into the rock at high pressure which allows the gas to flow out to the head of the well. The process is carried out […]
World’s most polluted cities – 13 out of top 20 cities are in India.

Few months back I wrote on Delhi has become numero 1 as world’s most polluted city. However according to the lastest data by WHO not only Delhi tops the list but 12 other cities from India are on the top 20 most polluted cities in the world. Even for me that is really surprising. China […]
To eat or not to eat = The Meat

Remember I once wrote my views on Cowspiracy and on how I took a pledge to decrease my intake. Well after 5 months, I would say it has reduced. Maybe it hasn’t reduced like I would prefer but I am happy with my progress. Just thinking that I might be saving few gallons of water […]
Impression of EuroEnviro 2015 by Simona Colaizzi

Remember I once mentioned that 6 of us went to Göteborg, Sweden. So Simona shared her experience about it. It’s really interesting. Check it out. We really appreciate and thank her for writing a post. It’s her second post here at Steamgreen. My impressions about EuroEnviro2015 EuroEnviro 2015 is a symposium where sixty students from all […]
Actors of Change – EuroEnviro (Part3)

Day 6th Arenas of Change Here now is the important thing. We were divided in 12 teams in three different Arenas. The Arenas were University, Business and Politics. These three arenas have a great potential to change the world we live in. It was about how University, Business and Politics can do something so that […]
Disadvantages of using Palm Oil

Studying in an International Course (It’s in English language in Italy so it’s kind of a big deal here) I have many class mates around the world. One of my good friends who is from Indonesia and has studied in my country too recently spoke to me about the Palm Oil. We were hanging out […]
The World counts – An interesting site about data and statistics
Recently which browsing through internet about the interesting facts and data about the climate change, I encountered this phenomenal site called ‘The World Count’. “The data used on The World Counts comes from a large number of organisations, research institutions, news services etc. Our aim is to use data from the world’s most reputable organisations. […]
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are on the rise at an alarming rate
I read an article few days back and couldn’t stop pondering over it for few hours. Hydrofluorocarbons or known as (HFCs) are already on rise at 54% in UK. Since the beginning of the spring and soon the arrival of the summer, people in UK have already started using the air-conditioners. This gas is replacement […]
RESD’s student heading to Gotenburg, Sweden for a week for Environmental Symposium 2015
The EuroEnviro student symposium was created in 1995 in Born, Germany. Originally known as BiB, Born-in-Born, it was later to be renamed EuroEnviro. The aim was to exchange opinions with other students on environmental sciences and ecopolitical issues. Over the years the focus has expanded from mainly environmental issues to also include social and economic sustainability. […]
Climate sensitivity is unlikely to be less than 2C, say scientists
Every now and then whoever is interested in Clmate Change or if anyone is studying as part of their course, must have asked this question – Does the fact that surface temperatures are rising slower than in previous decades mean scientists have overestimated how sensitive the Earth’s climate is to greenhouse gases? The question is […]