Green Transition Conflicts: What we can learn from Sardinia

The author of this article is Melissa Piroddi, MSc student of Resource Economics and Sustainable Development at the University of Bologna. In the Italian region of Sardinia several municipalities launched a popular initiative against wind power speculation in the island – “Pratobello 24”-. As of September, more than 100 000 signatures have been collected from all provinces, exceeding the […]

“M’illumino di meno” day

Today an article written by our fellow RESD student Ruggiero Rippo! Enjoy it as much as we do! This year on the 19th of February all of us can make a big difference. On this day the largest broadcasting initiative takes place, to raise awareness about energy consumption and sustainable mobility. The event, called “M’illumino di […]

Soil is a non-renewable resource!

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO declared 2015 the international year of soils, and if you haven’t heard and thought about why healthy soils are necessary for a healthy life I will tell you now. Way too often we forget about soil as a resource that provides food, feed, ecosystem services, […]

Reduction in consumption of meat might be a good idea!

I know that the post image might tempt people to eat some meat right now. But as I have written few posts before about how the meat industry is kind of more responsible for the pollution around the world. Documentaries like ‘Cowspiracy’ and ‘Food Inc’ are worth watching for some reason. Deforestation is done also […]

Highest number of premature deaths due to air pollution – Italy!

On ‘Corriere della sera’ (one Italian newspaper) few weeks ago, there was an article regarding the highest premature deaths in Italy. If the data is to be believed, more than 59k people died due the high level of air pollutants in Italy. I always mentioned my country to be highly polluted and I always consider […]

The Future of Transportation: The Port of Los Angeles

Right now I am following a very interesting course with the name of transport and regional economics. And the more I think about transportation, the more I realize how important it is to move people and goods from point A to point B. I wont annoy you with all the theoretical models that we use […]

Sustainable Design

Recently I was talkin with a friend of mine that studies Industrial Design in one of the most famous Universities in Europe in the field, the UDK in Berlin. And while we were talking he explaned to me a very interesting topic, the so clled sustainable or also environmental design. It is all about being […]

Current Environmental Problems

Even it is very clear from the image on how we all are getting effected by various environmental problems but let’s have a look together on some of those issues ( I can write long pages on that) but I will keep short and sweet in order for you to understand or at least give […]

Calculate your own ecological footprint!

Have you ever asked yourself how big your own ecological footprint is? Here you get a useful tool CoolClimate Calculator This calculator has been developed by the famous Berkely University from California. The aim of this calculator is to estimate the yearly co2 emissions of your household. In the first step you have to enter some […]

What is Fracking? It maybe more harmful that we think it is to be

Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas inside. Water, sand and chemicals are injected into the rock at high pressure which allows the gas to flow out to the head of the well. The process is carried out […]

Is Zero Waste a possibility?

Few weeks back I read an article. Here it talks about the zero waste in four different cities in different countries. These four cities include San Francisco, Sweden ( every city in it apparently), Buenos Aires and Capannori. Even though their effort should be appreciated and worth talking about, however, it concerns when when I […]

RESD Students Study Tour to Sardinia

As you might know this Website is promoted by the two years M. Sc. Resource Economics and Sustainable Development, University of Bologna, and from time to time we report about activities of our course (like Pushkar did with Euroenviro last week). From 17th to 19th of May twenty RESD Students went to an amazing study tour […]

Actors of Change – EuroEnviro2015 (Part2)

Day 4 – Changing the mindsets Day 4 was one of my favourite days of the program. It Included a workshop of Self Leadership, one workshop of ‘How to pitch’ and one documentary called ‘Invisible Revolutions’. Self Leadership workshop meant to create a self motivated leadership. The instructor spoke about reflection and initiative among other […]

Disadvantages of using Palm Oil

Studying in an International Course (It’s in English language in Italy so it’s kind of a big deal here) I have many class mates around the world. One of my good friends who is from Indonesia and has studied in my country too recently spoke to me about the Palm Oil. We were hanging out […]

The World counts – An interesting site about data and statistics

Recently which browsing through internet about the interesting facts and data about the climate change, I encountered this phenomenal site called ‘The World Count’. “The data used on The World Counts comes from a large number of organisations, research institutions, news services etc. Our aim is to use data from the world’s most reputable organisations. […]

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are on the rise at an alarming rate

I read an article few days back and couldn’t stop pondering over it for few hours. Hydrofluorocarbons or known as (HFCs) are already on rise at 54% in UK. Since the beginning of the spring and soon the arrival of the summer, people in UK have already started using the air-conditioners. This gas is replacement […]

RESD’s student heading to Gotenburg, Sweden for a week for Environmental Symposium 2015

The EuroEnviro student symposium was created in 1995 in Born, Germany. Originally known as BiB, Born-in-Born, it was later to be renamed EuroEnviro. The aim was to exchange opinions with other students on environmental sciences and ecopolitical issues. Over the years the focus has expanded from mainly environmental issues to also include social and economic sustainability. […]

Documentary Review – ‘Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story’

Few days back I saw this amazing documentary called ‘Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story’. Why amazing? Because I really hate wasting food. Sometimes when I waste food ( could be because the food was overcooked till the colour black or I am really nervous). Yes, I am one of those whose appetite goes […]

It’s time we Indians start taking the measure against the increasing pollution

I was born and grew up in Delhi. Honestly I remember one of my closest friend had severe asthma problems especially during the winters. In Delhi, in winters we have ‘Smog’. Smog is a kind of air pollution, originally named for the mixture of smoke and fog in the air. Classic smog results from large amounts […]

Green activist killing rate are getting higher

As i mentioned in one of my posts that more than 1000 environmentalists have been killed in Brazil for protesting against the Amazon deforestation. So recently i read an article on BBC ( the link is given below) about how many green activists are getting killed. It is very sad that people who are trying […]

Cowspiracy – A must watch!

So few days back i watched this documentary called ‘Cowspiracy’ upon a recommendation from a friend. Honestly i was little hesitant before watching this movie since it starts with a word ‘Cow’. Usually the first thing people say to me when they get to know that i am from India is ‘There are many cows […]

Environmental pressures from European consumption and production

Two weeks ago the Eurpean Environment Agency EEA published a synthesis report about european environmental policy in general and its implementation in the next 5 years until 2020. The report is a reflection of the European environment in a global context as well as chapters summarising the state of, trends in, and prospects for the […]